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2023 is a new year with a new vibe from Corey Brown Photo! I have a shiny new logo to identify my brand direction of working with women entrepreneurs on brand development & creative photography to authentically tell their visual story. This is SUCH an exciting step because 1)I am such a visual person and needed this fresh update… & 2) I have been transitioning to this niche, but hadn’t yet “declared” it!

This is me DECLARING my role, passion & purpose! I am a brand photographer for women entrepreneurs. I will help you develop your brand messaging and create custom content to tell your brand story and attract your ideal clients. Together we create the content your brand needs to be seen as the authority in your industry, be taken seriously and GROW.

This is so on theme for me because 2023 will be the year of INTENTION for me. I have been doing ALL the things and spreading myself too thin in areas that do not bring me joy. I am choosing to be more intentional with every decision I make and the ways I spend my time, personally & in business. Yes, I will mess up and will always be a work in progress… but I am choosing to focus on intentional things that bring me JOY.

What are your goals for 2023? Is this the year you show up for yourself and your brand? To be honest, it is NOW or never…because all we have is NOW!